looking back

Had you looked back
you would have seen

waiting for you to turn

to see if I were

for you to turn back

these turns

raking my thoughts
churning all the words
unuttered, cemented

into silence


News and events
spill through the hours
of days wasted wishing
there is more to say
Than whether the weather
is as normal as
our desires
And the pay enough
to play rough
with the balance
Once dues are paid
and amends made
and burning questions
snuffed to make way
for a daydream or two
stolen and stashed
Only to be mortgaged
at an unforeseen price
for a night of easy sleep

Originally posted on jotnrot


In books and films
characters say
most poignant things,
well timed, well phrased
While we abandon
soul-baring thoughts
to uhms and uhs
as lights change
and people start across
and the chance to finish
is once more lost,
and next time, the subject
won’t come up,
and the time after that
it won’t matter much
and it probably never did,
Still, it would have made
a story far better than this


There are things
I’d like to say
Still more
I’d like to hear
But your silence slices
out my tongue
And boxes up my ears

what your back looks like
More clearly
than your smile
I swallow mouthfuls.
of regret
And spit out a goodbye

trying to be

To roar, break, crash and thunder
like the clouds above
and let loose
what roils under
this skin too thin
to contain the blood
that looks to pound
against you

To be bright pink
not bloody bruised brown,
burnt, stubbed and rubbed
into the ground

To be rash
And willing to scratch
dreams hiding under scabs
And let them run freely
or float away like ashes
left to the wind

To be anything but quiet
stoic and contemplating
constantly placating
the urge to smash and run

learning from grammar

I should know by now
how to follow my nouns
with verbs to the object
without inverting them
to a question
perverting my intention
until will is twisted
and tethered to some
inevitable regret

poor timingĀ 


I step in too close
and feel my nose crush
against the revolving doors
I was never much good
at double Dutch
or skipping rope
nor holding out
against all hope
My coffee has spilt
over me like guilt
and leaves a stain
on what remains of my dignity
as I fumble to efface
the disgrace of once again
being out of line
and out of time

View original post

last chance

Had I known that would be
the last chanceĀ to see you
I would have shrieked,
honked and howled,
waved, jumped and raved
instead of spying
through my rear view mirror
while slowly driving by

Had I known it would be
the last chance to touch you
I would have been much gentler, rougher, harder and more tender
instead of watching
with one eye on you
and the other on my reflection

Had I known it would be
the last chance to talk with you
I would have told you this


Don’t echo
that can’t

Written for today’s NaPoWriMo prompt using this Quotation index by subject and selecting words further into the quote for each word.

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